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Contact Your Senator

Let your state senator know you support an end to the death penalty in Nebraska. Write a brief, polite, thoughtful, heartfelt letter stating your support for repeal of the death penalty. Hand written letters are particularly effective. Make sure your point is clear. In a few lines, thank your senator for taking the death penalty seriously, and express your support for ending the death penalty in Nebraska. Senators are particularly influenced by their own constituents, people they personally know, other community leaders, and those they have something in common with (membership in the same church, civic club, occupation, etc.). Mention your connection if you have one. If you don't know who your senator is, find out here.


Host a Book Discussion

Mailing Addresses For Senators:
Senator (fill in name, and District #)
State Capitol, P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509-4604

By Phone: Call the Capitol Operator, 402.471.2311,

and ask for your senator’s office.

NADP has a set of copies of Executing Grace by Shane Claiborne along with discussion guides. These are great resources that break down the various problems with the death penalty system and even includes several stories from Nebraska! If you’re part of a book club or small group that would like to read and discuss the book, just let us know how many copies you'll need.

Sign up for NADP updates!

Write a Letter to the Editor

Write a letter to the editor or opinion page column for your local paper. You’re most likely to be published if you keep it short and positive. Typically this means 150-250 words. (Be sure to include your address and phone number. This personal information won’t be published in the newspaper. It’s just so the newspaper can verify the letter’s authenticity.)

Start a Dialogue in Your Faith Community

Download our Christian Reflections on the Death Penalty Discussion Guide here. This is a great resource for Sunday School classes and church small groups.

Request a Speaker

NADP is happy to provide speakers for community groups, churches, high school/college classes and special events. Please contact us to make arrangements.



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