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Stacy Anderson

Coverage of Curtis McCarty's Nebraska Speaking Tour

Curtis McCarty wrapped up his speaking tour throughout Nebraska last month with stops in Schuyler, Alliance, Chadron, and Valentine.

At each stop, Curtis shared the story of how he was wrongfully convicted of murder and spent 21 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit– 19 of those years on Oklahoma’s death row.

Crowds packed the room at each of Curtis’s stops as he recounted the bad forensics and prosecutorial misconduct that sent him to prison, as well as the lucky break that saved him from execution.

If you weren’t able to make it out to hear Curtis last month, you can read his story in the Schuyler Sun or watch the story on him from KHAS-TV News 5.

When you’re finished, please share these stories on Facebook, or click here to send a tweet about them!

Thanks to everyone who joined us at one of these stops, or who heard Curtis speak earlier in November in Hastings, York, or Holdrege.


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