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#NErepeal Tweet Chat FAQ

Stacy Anderson

Not quite sure how to participate in the upcoming #NErepeal TweetChat this Thursday? Here are answers to some of the more Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What is a TweetChat? A TweetChat is a way for thousands of people to participate in an online discussion about a given topic. The entire conversation takes place on Twitter, with one account acting as a “moderator.”

For the #NErepeal TweetChat, NADP will moderate with its Twitter account, @N_A_D_P. @N_A_D_P will tweet questions for discussion, and anyone can respond. All questions will include the hashtag #NErepeal, and all responses should also include the hashtag. This will allow anyone to follow the entire conversation by searching the hashtag #NErepeal.

2. How do I participate in the TweetChat? Participating in the TweetChat is easy! Simply log in to Twitter before noon central on January 9th, and read the conversation moderated by @N_A_D_P. This will include several questions for the community, and you are free to respond by sharing your own thoughts, including #NErepeal in each tweet. You can see the entire conversation by following #NErepeal, using the search function on Twitter or by following this link.

3. Why should I participate in the #NErepeal TweetChat? The more people that participate in our TweetChat, the more attention we will draw to the upcoming debate for the death penalty repeal bill in Nebraska. The TweetChat is also a good opportunity to ask questions and find out how to get involved with NADP’s efforts during the legislative session and beyond.

4. I’m not on Twitter. Can I still participate? If you’d just like to watch the conversation unfold, you can follow it here:

If you want to participate in the discussion and post responses to the questions, you must have a Twitter account. To find out how to create a Twitter account, visit this article:

You can help promote the TweetChat by posting to Twitter and/or Facebook in advance of the TweetChat. Here are some examples:

Tweet This: Join the #NErepeal TweetChat about #NE #deathpenalty moderated by @N_A_D_P using #NErepeal. Starts noon CT on 1/9.

Share this on Facebook: Join me on Thursday for the #NErepeal TweetChat to learn more about Nebraska’s #deathpenalty and how we can get rid of it!

5. What if I don’t know the answers to any of the questions? That’s ok! The TweetChat questions are only a starting point to help spread the word about death penalty repeal in Nebraska. Feel free to participate in the conversation by tweeting a response to another TweetChat participant, retweeting others’ answers, or asking questions of your own if you’re confused. Remember: every tweet and retweet helps show that Nebraskans care about death penalty repeal!


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