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Stacy Anderson

NADP Discusses Innocence on Death Row

Last week, NADP was busy with two opportunities to talk to Nebraskans about how innocent people can end up on death row.

On Tuesday we participated in a panel discussion about the Troy Davis case, where we shared information about how the issues of innocence raised by the case impact Nebraskans as well.

Then, on Thursday, we screened the mini-documentary series “One for Ten” at the Urban Abbey in Omaha. Afterwards we answered questions about innocence on death row and the death penalty in Nebraska.

Thanks to everyone who was able to join us at one of these events last week, and to our wonderful hosts who made them possible.

If you can help us educate Nebraskans about the death penalty, let us know! Invite us to speak in your classroom, church group, or community meeting. Contact Tim at to set up speaking engagements.


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