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Do you go to church? We'd like to go with you!

Stacy Anderson

We’ve previously mentioned NADP’s program Death Penalty Faithful Reflections, where we provide a congregation with educational materials about the death penalty, a volunteer to answer their questions and encourage them to write to their State Senators, and we might even host a speaker at their service. If you’d like us to have a Faithful Reflection at your home church, synagogue, or mosque, let us know and we’ll work with you to make it happen!

But there’s an even easier option! Let’s call it Faithful Reflections “Lite” - and you can do it all on your own. It’s simple: while you’re at church (or school, or book club, or a Kiwanis meeting) ask your friends or family who support death penalty repeal to sign our NADP postcards that we share with our elected officials. If 100 people asked 5 friends to fill out postcards that’s an additional 500 notes of encouragement for our Senators to take up and pass repeal in 2015!

Send me an email at and I’ll be sure you get some postcards and a return envelope to send them back to us. It’s really that easy! Please help us with this project – together we can be so powerful.


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