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The election is over. The cause goes on.

Steve Griffith

Thank you to the thousands of people who worked so hard to communicate our message to the voters. Nebraskans across the political spectrum worked together to call for an end to the death penalty. Even though the voters have restored capital punishment to state law, the fact is it’s still an inherently flawed system. Innocent people are still at risk of execution. There are still problems with lethal injection. It still doesn’t deter violent crime. It is still extraordinarily expensive. And it’s still contrary to religious and moral beliefs. Life imprisonment is still the better solution.

We have accomplished something truly significant. We engaged thousands of our friends and neighbors – in churches, in civic groups, in coffee shops – in a conversation about an emotional issue. In these difficult conversations, we discovered that when people enter into honest dialogue on the facts, they do change their thinking. Change is slow – sometimes infuriatingly so - but we will continue this conversation with the people to end executions in Nebraska.

Towards justice,


From all of us at NADP


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