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Execution Date Scheduled

Matt Maly

Yesterday, the Nebraska Supreme Court set an execution date for Carey Dean Moore, Nebraska's longest-serving death row inmate. The execution by lethal injection has been scheduled for Tuesday, August 14th, though no time has yet been announced.

Mr. Moore was most recently scheduled to die in June of 2011. After 38 years on death row, he has made it clear that he does not want to challenge this warrant or request a stay, despite serious legal questions about the source of the drugs to be used. As part of a public records lawsuit, the state has been ordered to release additional information about the drugs but has yet to do so.

It's completely inappropriate for the state to rush through this process and schedule an execution date for just a few weeks before the drugs will begin to expire, when we still have no idea if this never-before-tried lethal injection cocktail will work. Nebraskans from all walks of life are outraged by this secretive and reckless governing, but rest assured - our voices will not go unheard.

NADP will be responding with some grass-roots activism. Be sure to follow us on social media for updates over the coming weeks.

Towards Justice, -Matt Maly On Behalf of All of NADP


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