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#GiveToLincoln Day 2020 is HERE!

Alex M. Houchin

The big day is here, and Give To Lincoln Day 2020 is finally upon us!  NADP is proud to once again participate in this wonderful annual event sponsored by the Lincoln Community Foundation to encourage local philanthropy.  This is the best time of the year to give, because every gift adds to NADP's share of this year's record-high $500,000 challenge match fund!

As you know, the ninth annual Give To Lincoln Day arrives under a set of entirely unprecedented challenges - yet it is exactly when we face the greatest challenges that we see the best of our community emerge. Nebraskans of all walks of life have an outstanding opportunity to invest in and partner with the growing movement to end the broken death penalty system in our state once and for all!  Are you eager to help?  Your gift at this critical time will help propel the movement forward in the coming months, and with your support NADP will continue working hard to rebuild a statewide operation and meet a series of ambitious goals:

  • Identifying new repeal champions in the State Legislature

  • Growing outreach and education efforts for elected representatives and prosecutors

  • Gathering support for legislation that increases transparency and accountability surrounding the administration of the death penalty

  • Building organizing infrastructure, including full-time staff

  • Engaging in robust social media campaigns

  • Investing in public outreach: tabling, book clubs, vigils, movie screenings, discussion panels, etc.

  • Producing new thought-provoking materials to challenge the death penalty as bad public policy

Given the nature of the coronavirus pandemic, and in observance of social distancing measures meant to minimize infection rates, this year's event takes place entirely online. Unfortunately, this means the Give To Lincoln Day fair at Tower Square event has been cancelled.  NADP is eager to restart public outreach events when it becomes safe to do so!

Thank you for helping our campaign be as successful as possible!


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